Roys Recovery – Joe Johnson Indigenous Round

May 21, 2024

Dear Roys Families,

What a wonderful start to the Joe Johnson Round last weekend. It was great to see the photos of our Joe Johnson medallists on our socials on Sunday night.

This weekend, Joe Johnson round will culminate with a very special Roys Recovery Event. Please RSVP here to help with catering.

We’d love to see as many of our Joe Johnson medallists as possible (from both round 6 and 7) at Roys Recovery.

Indigenous T-Shirts

To commemorate our indigenous round we are excited to announce our new ‘We are Fitzroy’ t-shirt. You can purchase at our Roys Recovery on 26th May, or if you don’t want to miss out pre-purchase online! These are selling like hot cakes so order soon.

“We are Fitzroy” Celebrating Indigenous Culture

Our big brother/sister club, Fitzroy Football Club, is celebrating Sir Doug Nicholls Round across the next two weekends.

All FJFC families are warmly invited to attend.

Welcome to Country

Welcome to country and smoking ceremonies on both Saturday 25 May and 1 June, at 1:45pm at Brunswick Street Oval.

Sir Doug Nicholls Lunch

The Sir Doug Nicholls Lunch this Saturday 11 May,  11.45pm for 12pm. It’s a new “laidback lunch” format aimed at families.

Tickets are just $20 for adults, $10 for children aged 5-16, and 4 and under are free.

Guest speaker is First Nations Foundation Chair Ian Hamm speaking on what reconciliation means in post-Voice referendum Australia.

Lunch will be finger food and cheese platters, and there will be fun colouring in activities for kids. Drinks at bar prices.

Bookings are essential by Friday May 24 on this link.

No Ordinary Joe

I look forward to celebrating Fitzroy legendary indigenous footballer, Joe Johnson with as many of you as possible on Sunday night.


Glenn Lampard
Fitzroy Junior Football Club