Merchandise Sales

July 7, 2020

Club Merchandise is available now! Contact Peter King at [email protected] or 0439 825 011 if you need any merchandise items.

We have plenty of stock in all sizes of socks and shorts and other favourite items including hoodies and training tops.  There is also a large range of items for supporters including, spray jackets, polo tops, scarves, umbrellas, caps and the new retro style beanie.

You can also recycle/exchange old items (boots, training tops and shorts only) at our recycle bins at the merchandise store. Please make sure they are in good condition, have names removed, sizing visible and all clothing has been washed.

If heading to our sales locations, you will need to adhere to COVID safe procedures we have established which conform to the Victorian Government guidelines.

For further information see brochure below or visit our Merchandise Page.