Message from the President
April 19, 2020
Hello FJFC Members,
I hope you and your family are keeping well in these challenging and unfamiliar times. While footy is on hold both at the professional and club level, I think it’s an important time to remember that footy is also what often binds us as a community, particularly junior footy and our great club.
The spirit of our club – which is built around friendships, community and looking out for your teammates – are exactly the things we need now through these times. It has never been more important to keep connected to our friends, family, neighbours and community. It’s even more important that we find ways for our kids to do the same, to help them feel safe and connected through the uncertainty.
So while we obviously will not be kicking off round one Sunday 19th April as planned, we want to unite the club via our online community on this day. We are asking all the kids (and parents) to dress up in our club colours, (this can be training tops, hoodies etc) pull the boots on and head into the backyard to take an action shot which we can share with our online community. Get involved and show the spirit that unites us as members of the FJFC and post on our Facebook Page, or Instragram @fitzroy_jfc – remember to use #goroys we can all share in the fun.
In terms of the prospect of playing football this year I can assure we have not given up hope! Of course we will follow the advice of the State and Federal Governments and put safety first but we will be ready and willing to run out in 2020 if at all possible. The YJFL along with the greater football community all the way up to the AFL have been very clear on communicating to us this desire to play and we will keep you updated on any good news as it comes to hand.
While I know we are all stretched to our limits with working from home and home schooling, it’s still beneficial for all of our mental and physical wellbeing to try maintain some fitness in quarantine. If you have not already seen it, we have some great home training resources available to help you achieve this on our FJFC Website (click on image below).
If you don’t have a football at home, the club has set up a football library borrowing service to ensure every player has access to a football. Please register here and we will ensure you can continue to work on your ball skills.
Stay safe, keep well, and remember to reach out should you or your family need any support , we look forward to seeing your action shots this weekend!
Ben Harrison
FJFC President