U13 Girls Brown 2018
Coach: Scott Hethrington
0438 149 405
Assistant Coach: Sam Tram
Team Manager: Shona McMahon
0403 006 430
Team Manager: Merryn Jackson
0417 662 101
Trainer: Rohan Griffiths
Team Page Editor: Merryn Jackson
[email protected]
Photographer: Brigid Tram
[email protected]
The Team
# 5 Ari McM
# 7 Grace D
# 8 Millie C
# 9 Maddy P
# 10 Sophie H
# 11 Samira K
# 12 Cara M
# 13 Sophie T
# 14 Claudia O'F
# 15 Misty M
# 16 Lexi I
# 17 Daisy S
# 18 Charlotte R
# 19 Eve S
# 20 Bethany R
# 21 Rachel D
# 22 Eloise B
# 23 Harriet D
# 24 Emily B
# 25 Lara M
# 27 Sunday L
# 28 Poppy T
Scott's final wrap
Hello Roy families and welcome to the last wrap of the year.
It is almost five months to the day since we took on Park Orchards at Olney Oval to begin our season and what a big change we have seen in the girls since that time. The team that ran out onto the field two days ago was very different to April’s team. If you could watch the two games back to back the biggest difference would have been the way they worked together. They were confident and composed, taking the Bullants on collectively and moving the ball well. The whole game was tightly contested which was demonstrated by the fact that each side had three scoring shots, the only difference being that Preston did not kick any behinds. It was anyone’s game all the way to the end and the Roy girls should be proud of their performance.
One fantastic quality which has not changed since round one is their determination. No matter what the odds – and our time in gold division produced some big odds – the girls always fought and never quit. A team that does that is never truly defeated. Victory is not limited to the scoreboard.
One of the rules that I stick to with regard to match wraps is to avoid mentioning individual players as it detracts from the efforts of the team but I will break with that rule for this final wrap because each girl deserves recognition for how far she has come this season. So in no particular order here we go.
Nell Finch showed great heart in her football this year. She was never intimidated and could be seen in heavy traffic attacking the ball against players twice her size.
Eloise Bisley has had a cracking season and from the start demonstrated a fiery zeal in contested possessions, dragging a Kew player who refused to let go of the ball several metres along the ground in round three. Her sense of the game has come along in leaps and bounds and she knows where to be and when.
Samira Kink has shown a steely determination this year, her strength as a defender and growing confidence expressed itself in some great marks and well judged tackling.
Claudia O’Farrell’s versatility from rucking to defence has been great to watch, contesting in the air and on the ground. She has also added her fierce and vocal competitive spirit to the team.
Charlotte Rush’s confident passages of running play have been exciting this year. Across the season Charlotte has demonstrated some really good decision making, and in round seven was one of the early proponents of playing on.
Ari McMahon has played across the field and been responsible for some extraordinary pieces of play. Ari can go from totally relaxed to vengeful fury in a split second and has left opponents wondering what happened.
Evie Scott’s confidence has grown across what has been her first season of football and it was fantastic to see her really using her physicality to dominate space around the ball on Sunday. Keep it up Evie, Ruck next year?
Maddie Petrilli has gone from strength to strength this year, her ability to weave through traffic and turn the ball around have seen her having a field day in midfield and defence. Her ball sense and speed are quite extraordinary as is her infectious grin.
Grace Davis has continued to develop her superpower this season which is the surest set of hands you will ever come across. No matter what the opposition is doing around her, Grace marks confidently and is not intimidated.
Harriet Dennis has been an absolute firebrand this season. Harriet’s skills and determination have grown across the season and she never gives up the chase, accelerating at breakneck speed to gain possession of the ball and getting it out of congestion with confident hand balling.
Bethany Ryan has played a great season moving from owning Full back to dominating in the half forward line with her extraordinary kicks into goal. Bethany’s kicking skill has left spectators with their mouths hanging open on several occasions.
Lara Maidment-Griffiths has continued to be a strong competitor in defence and midfield. When Lara decides that an opponent has had enough of the ball they certainly know about it.
Daisy Stoove has brought her skills to a new level this year, contesting in the air and moving effortlessly through traffic wherever she is playing. Daisy’s kicking technique is wonderful to watch and her range grows year on year.
Lexi Illiades has had a fantastic season. Lexi started the season bruising coaches holding tackle bags and went on to show us that she could bring any player to an abrupt stop regardless of their size. Her physical courage and speed has been exciting to watch and has overwhelmed many opponents.
Emily Blood’s first year of football has seen her skills advance. Emily is very composed under pressure but has quick reflexes and sure hands. On Sunday she plucked an unexpected ball out of the air and played on which is a great demonstration of how far she has come in one year.
Sunday Lok has also completed her first year of football with increased confidence. No matter where she is on the field, Sunday applies extraordinary ball skills to guide it to her teammates or burst out of congestion. Sunday’s rate of learning is an absolute credit to her.
Millie Collodetti is also a first year player but you wouldn’t guess it watching her slot that goal on Sunday. Millie applies herself across herself across the field and has learned so much in five months. She is composed and never holds back from attacking the ball.
Misty Maine has great kicking skills and applies herself no matter what position she is playing in. Misty’s focus at training is a given and has translated into her growing confidence across the field and some fantastic passages of play.
Cara McKie is has been a versatile Roy Girl this year. Cara is equally comfortable rucking, attacking and defending. She is determined and has springs for legs. One of Cara’ great strengths this year was in moving the ball out of contests.
Rachel Da Silva is a player with a bottomless tank. Her skills with the ball are only matched by her ability to run at full speed for an hour and come off the field with a smile on her face and not even breaking a sweat. It is always fantastic to watch Rachel working her magic on the field and her game sense just seems to get better and better.
Sophie Tram is a talented runner and throughout this year has used her pace to transport the ball out of the midfield and half back. Her confidence with hand balls has increased through the season and when Sophie is running she can produce a handball that moves like a bullet. It has been great to watch her leave opponents behind with her run and carry style.
Last but not least, Sophie Hetherington has made her dad proud this year by playing with an intensity that has only increased throughout the season. No matter what the situation, Sophie attacked the ball and fought to gain possession, whether in forward, midfield or defence. Her skills have really grown across the season and in this regard she was certainly in good company.
So that’s it for 2018.
Sam and I hope that you have enjoyed your football as much as we have enjoyed coaching you. It’s been a good year.
For one more time, a huge thank you to all the parents who have made our games possible and especially to our brilliant TMs.
Go Roy Girls!
Scott's Round 13 wrap-up
Sunday was my first visit to Beverley Hills, Victoria. Swimming pools, movie stars.. If I ever visit its more famous namesake in California I’ll be thinking of a cold wind-swept football ground in Doncaster East where we had to wear clash jumpers. Interestingly, a google search reveals that in 1967 it was the Fitzroy Football Club who donated a set of playing jumpers to the newly formed club which is why our uniforms are so similar.
There’s a reason that Beverley Hills are on top of the ladder and they were determined to give us a demonstration after our last meeting. With the Roygirls winning the toss, we opted for kicking with the wind and it paid off. We moved the ball out of the centre to the half forward line and used the momentum in some big kicks. The first quarter saw us score two of the longest range goals of the season so far. It was an exciting start to the game.
The second quarter with the wind against us gave Beverley Hills a boost but our girls never stopped applying pressure as they tackled and bumped with enthusiasm. Our midfield certainly had to work hard against some strong opponents. It was a very physical game and in the third quarter our advances to the forward fifty were met with stiff resistance. The same was happening on our defensive side which was kept very busy turning back the opposition’s attacks. It was a testament to their efforts that most of these attempts resulted in points. The last quarter with the wind against us turned into an arm wrestle which looked more like rugby than AFL. The game became a test of willpower and if there is one thing we have seen week in – week out, its that our girls never concede an inch.
It was never going to be an easy game and in the end the margin was not even two goals. Against the top team, that was reassuring. We know we have what it takes. Lets take it to the Rovers.
As always a massive thank you to all of the parents who make our game happen each week, Michael running, Rohan our trainer, Greg waving the flags, Alison and Scott carrying the water Mark running the boundary, Darcy protecting the umpire, Nick keeping the time, Brigid on photos and the always crucial oranges and snakes thank you Janelle and our awesome Team Managers Shona and Merryn.
Go Roy Girls!
Scott's Round 11 wrap-up
Hi Roy families
Another chilly week under the belt and we are only four games from the end of the home and away season. Where do those weeks go? Even with the long breaks it feels as if we are just getting into our stride.
The first thing to say about Sunday’s game is that the girls had plenty of space. The field was so large that Sam and I were wondering whether we should give our runner a call on his mobile. Hats off to you Frank, that was some serious running.
The second thing was the wind blowing across the ground. It really forced the play onto one wing; unfortunately the wing furthest from the coaching area.
The third thing to comment on was the world cup level of excitement; it was up there with that Preston nail- biter.
It was an epic tug of war. Parkside were a good match for us on the day and the Roygirls did not give an inch. One stat that tells the story is the number of centre bounces – four for the entire game. The ball came out of the centre and we were onto it. Our centre players fought hard to move it into the half forward line where it was contested, brought out to the open side of the ground and then into our back line were it was turned around again. All credit to the Roygirls in defence who were tackling hard and working the ball out and around. They were making good decisions and doing all the right things. Our forwards were building a ladder to bring the ball into our scoring zone and there were some great marks and beautiful passages. It got so close.
All of that effort paid off with the girls getting the first score on the board. What a relief. Parkside levelled the score in the third quarter and then went on to get the last point of the day but the final quarter saw the ball remaining in Fitzroy’s forward zone. With the unwavering effort of our girls, I am sure that in five more minutes we would have seen a different result.
Once again great work girls, you really do have lion hearts. Can’t wait to see them on display again next Sunday.
Go Roygirls!
Scott's Round 10 wrap-up
Hi Roy families,
It’s a funny time of the season with a two week break, a game and another two week break. Two weeks is a long time to be away from a game but if anything last Sunday proved that the Roy girls can keep their focus.
Mid season has also seen the team ebb and flow in terms of players. This was Nell’s last week with the team as she is moving north. Sam and I were discussing how great it has been to watch Nell’s confidence on the field grow this season and we are going to miss her great attitude at training. Good luck Nell. We hope that you continue your football journey and remember that once a Roy girl, always a Roy girl.
We welcomed back Lexi and Poppy this week. Great to see you again girls. We did try to get Lexi to take it easy on that knee!
It was a brisk day, great footy weather and the girls had to work hard to get up a sweat but they set to with energy and purpose. The Glen Iris Gladiators were a good match for us, they played with a good spirit and never let up the pressure from the first bounce to the last. They had some dangerous players in the midfield and launched strong attacks from their half back line. The Roy girls responded with some fantastic defense of their own. Time and again the ball was turned in our back line and brought out onto the wings with penetrating kicks. In a relatively low scoring game, it was nail-biting stuff
One thing that made a difference was the fact that our girls were able to move the ball into our forward 50 and lock it in by holding their structure. Smart running gave us another advantage. The girls are thinking more. Instead of just the nearest players chasing the ball carrier, there were instances of those further from the ball running in support or toward the next contest. Developing this style of running will only make their game stronger.
The upshot was that Glen Iris were held scoreless for half the game which is a testament to the focus that our girls brought. They kicked, marked, tackled, spoiled, tapped and bumped with an unwavering level of commitment throughout the game. Everyone contested every play and by the end of the four quarters they definitely earned the win. Nice work girls.
Next game Parkside, let the rivalry commence!
See you at training.
Cheers, Scott
Scott's Round 8 wrap-up
Hi Roy families, it became clear to me yesterday why soccer games can be such a powder keg for spectators.
Sixty minutes of play and one goal each cranked the tension to an almost unbearable level. What a battle.
The Roygirls’ attitude from the get-go was fantastic. The roar before the game was extended and ferocious; their mojo was back and set to eleven.
The Bullants who had comfortably vanquished the Rovers could have been forgiven for feeling confident going in, but a week is a long time in junior football and they were soon being hard pressed by some rampaging Lions.
Our defensive game is strong and relentless. It is the one thing that every opposition coach has remarked upon since the very start of the season. The Roygirls tackle, spoil, bump and tackle again. They are never intimidated and they don’t take a backward step. Its all about heart.
Our attacking game is also improving with lots on display yesterday. The girls have really taken on the idea of running hard and knocking the ball forward under pressure to create opportunities.
Two standout occasions were when a Roygirl with three opponents hard on her tail, hand-balled forward into space and then gathered the ball up and another Roy who was being tackled got her hands up and quickly passed the ball about ten metres to a team mate who ran on. Running is never wasted in football and we saw how mobile players more often than not find themselves in the right place at the right time.
With one goal apiece the race to get another score on the board was intense. The Bullants’ attacks were turned around sometimes in spectacular fashion. With the goals open and thirty metres out it looked like a Preston goal for sure in the third quarter. Time appeared to slow down as a Roygirl streaked across the pockets at warp factor nine and executed a flying tackle that left the other girl wondering what had happened. In the last quarter following the confusion of the umpire’s call – was it a throw in or kick in? – Preston’s goals were open again but our full back saved the day with a strong overhead mark and an accurate kick out. That final quarter was telling in that the ball spent most of its time in our half and at the final siren it can only have been ten metres from our goal along with the entire Preston team. Just one more minute – surely!
The girls can be justly proud of their efforts and earned the right to sing their song which they did heartily.
Congratulations to Rachel for winning the Joe Johnson medal which was an even greater honour among a team who demonstrated all of the qualities that the medal stands for.
It seems a shame that we won’t be on next week but lets take the time to refocus and bring out the best roar yet in round ten.
Go Roygirls!
Congrats Rachel: Indigenous Round Medal Winner!
Congratulations Rachel D (#21) on winning the Joe Johnson Indigenous Round Medal in Round 8 for demonstrating in the strongest way, the 5 attributes of: EDURANCE, TENACITY, COURAGE, LOYALTY, and PRIDE! We’re all proud of you!

Scott's Round 5 wrap-up
Hi Roygirls and families, our first foray into Brown division and our first goal for the season. It was a good day.
With winter almost upon us, the day was sunny but chilly. It was football weather; a day where hard work was needed to break a sweat but the girls certainly managed it.
From the outset it was clear that this was going to be a battle of skill and will. The ball moved up and down the ground from their forward line to our forward line without finding the goals.
Our back line did a stirling job of pressuring Hawthorn’s attacks into a series of points. Showing what they have learned, the girls brought the ball around – in one side and out the other to move it onto the less congested wing. It is easy to describe ball movement at training but magical to see the girls translate it in the field under real pressure.
Or first goal was a special moment for everyone and the noise coming from the Fitzroy bench made the opposition coaches turn around. It was a high kick that made the goal umpire look like he was about to fall over backwards as he watched it sail way over his head.
Another thing that stood out again on Sunday was the girl’s composure. They were never rattled and made good decisions throughout. The girls showed several times the ability to get the ball out of contests quickly with a handball and our goal from here is do this consistently to give team mates the space to get it away. There was a similar situation with locking the ball into our forward line; there was no lack of determination and when we had players a kick behind play we were able to prevent the opposition from getting it out. Each game is an opportunity to learn and it was clear on Sunday that the girls are becoming tighter as a team. Our song is not far away. I can hear it now.
Special mention this week to all the mothers who make our team possible, we hope you had a nice Mother’s Day. Thank you to Scott Davis for being Assistant Coach and handling the mouthguard crisis with calm action. Cheers to Rohan, Frank, snakes and oranges, voters, Janelle for photography – great shot of the goal!, water carriers and umpires and of course our super
TM team who do a brilliant job of making it happen each week.
See you at training.
Go Roy girls!
Scott's Round 4 wrap-up
Hi Roy families, another big day in the field and Sam and I had our work cut out.
Yesterday marked the end of the grading rounds. Having faced the top four teams in the Under 13 competition it is time to look forward to finding our level in a new division and thinking about what we have learned.
Kew were good. They were not just physically strong, they displayed the confidence of a team with seasons of shared experience.
From the opening bounce the Roygirls stuck tight to their players with a determination that never wavered. They tackled, they bumped they chased and contested at every point.
It was never all one way with many instances of defensive play turning into attack as the girls won the ball and brought it down the wings. Agile taps, strong marks and well directed kicks that drove up the ground showed how far the girls have come since round one.
The girls also showed good decision making skills, anticipating the movement out of the goals to the opposite side from which it came in and centring it in the forward 50.
Kew had to work for it but at the end of the day were able to get a run on.
The score was what it was but the real headline for the Roygirls were those two magical points in the final quarter. Our first score since round one was against the best team in the league and it came at a time in the game when other teams would have broken.
Take that as a victory girls. The rest of the season begins now.
As always, thank you to everyone who filled roles this week, without you the game could not happen. Big thanks to our awesome TM team, Merryn and Shona.
See you at training.
Go Roygirls!
Scott's Round 3 wrap-up
Hi Roy-families, bit slow off the mark this year with match wraps but round three, here we go!
Sunday’s game was a great learning experience. The Kew Rovers demonstrated the benefits of being an established team with a well-practiced game plan.
They set the tempo of the game by playing on, dominating the space around the scrums and giving their team mates room to act.
The first two quarters saw the Roygirls running and fighting hard. In the centre, our girls gave it their best against some tall timber; this was clearly not the same team that we faced in the practice match. On our defensive side of the field, the Roygirls had their work cut out as time and again the Rovers swept the ball forward.
Darcy had his work cut out as runner as players were moved and instructions delivered. At half-time the Roy girls, red-faced and sweaty, enjoyed some well-deserved oranges and drinks and listened to the new plan. You’ve got to hand it to the girls, they listened and went out, stuck to their players like glue and stopped them in their tracks.
Their determination was outstanding. The Roys fought for every inch of ground. The ball came within metres of Kew’s goals but they couldn’t convert. Every move was contested and cracks began to open up through which the Roys started to move the ball forward. In the closer contest, marks were taken, tackles were paid and at one point it looked like a Kew player was going to be dragged bodily all the way to our goals. It was inspiring and demonstrated the underlying fibre of the team; everybody fights, nobody quits.
The fire of the third quarter continued into the fourth and there were more feats of determination including a brilliant flying spoil that denied one of the tallest opponents a mark in front of goals but in the end Kew regained some of their momentum against our justly fatigued Roy girls.
A new team is like a jigsaw puzzle that gets assembled week by week and judging by this week it’s going to be a great season.
A massive thank you to the parents who filled roles this week and please forgive me for not getting everyone’s name and duty correct – Rohan, Darcy, Chris, Mark, Ray, thank you Brigid for providing the bag of snakes as the prize for the best opposition player – better than a medal any day! Thanks water carriers, you had a busy day with all that sunshine. And last but not least our fantastic Team Managers Shona and Merryn.
See you at training.
Go Roy Girls!